HELLO FOLKS! — It took us a long time to learn it but we finally got through our heads — the fact that it is impossible to get more than the law of Supply and Demand will allow. The only way to get more than we now have is to create more demand. There are many ways to do that; some of them are — advertising, stimulating trade, creating markets abroad and at home, helping others to help themselves. We are now in the process of learning that wealth must be produced. Create a desire and a way will be found to get. Then production will take place and wealth is created. That is one of the things that made America what it is today. It is the thing that will make it greater tomorrow. I am not referring to money alone, nor just mundane desires. The rule applies to every good thing in life. Also to the things not so good, but let's not mentions them.
The annoyed girl said to her date, "Lets go someplace where we can each be alone."
Father was scowling over the report card. Said the little boy "Naturally I seem stupid to my teacher, she is a college graduate."
Two boys on a picnic with the parents got to playing with heavy road-grading machinery. Set a match to the gas tanks and got hurt. They won a big law-suit.
Two fellows got caught stealing gas. Fine-25 dollars. Gas stealing must be profitable.
Two boys went through 8 or 10 stop signs trying to outsmart the law officers. They got 10 dollar fines.
One of the boys that got caught in grand larceny is still running around and getting into as much mischief as usual. Got caught speeding since then, — thirty days license suspension. He is still driving. They haven't done anything to his father for permitting it.
These are just a few of the things going on around here, and we sit by doing nothing about it. Keep this up long enough and perhaps history will reverse itself and someday they will raid this country and send us off to darkest Africa as slaves.
This is suppose to be a civilized country where the law abiding are free to do as they wish and the law-breakers are punished enough so that they will want to obey. Guess we got our signals mixed.
It looks as though the bulk of the forcasters are proving right: it as really a dry spring and if my own predictions are right we will have a very wet July and August. At least if winds preceding 100 days are correct.
Candle Dipping
A candle's but a simple thing:
It starts with just a bit of string.
Yet dipped and dipped with patient hand,
It gathers wax upon the strand
Until, complete and snowy white,
It gives at last a lovely light.
Life seems so like that bit of string!
Each deed we do a simple thing:
Yet day by day, if on lifes strand
We work with patient heart and hand,
It gathers joy, makes dark day bright,
And gives at last a lovely light.
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