
Sunday, August 28, 2016

Do You Know Interest Pay?

Hello Folks — Usually when a man gets too big for his britches his hat won't fit either.

As of today Freeborn can be called the county of 10,000 lakes. My, what a lot of water. 1 have seen more. 1 think it was in 1953 we had more during the summer than we have now. This kind of weather does things the politicians could never do — take care of the surplus corn. I don't think there will be much of a surplus next year.

How much interest do you pay out in a year? I believe that few of us know, and if we get it figured out we pay a lot more than we realize.

Credit is a wonderful thing when it is used right, but abused it can be a mill stone and keeps many a man from getting ahead.

There are many ways of figuring interest and some of them are deceiving. One per cent per month sounds pretty reasonable but when it adds up to 12 per cent it gets mighty big. There are a good many people paying much more than that. Most of the time pay plans run around 16 per cent.

...tion it in the contract, It really makes a 'whollaper' of a lot if one gets 'bit' by such a deal.

The best thing is to stay out of debt for anything but a home or business. Then we learn to be thrifty and we are more apt to watch the purchases and see to that they are bought right.

1 think it is very important to teach our children thrift and how to buy wisely. They have to learn sometime and it should help by giving them an allowance when they are too young to earn it themselves and see to it that they learn to know that before there can be a penny spent there first has to be one earned. We are all creatures of habit and by teaching the youth the value of a dollar the nation grows stronger and more financially secure.

The credit and finance system is what has aided us in getting the great standard of living that we have but the abuse of it can also be our downfall. Borrowing when money is easy to get and then having to pay it back when the dollar is scarce is a situation that none of us would envy. Let's watch Huh.

One day a salesman stopped in and wanted to sell his wares. Had a good product but he didn't want cash. It had to be time payments I spread over two years. 1 insisted on figuring up what the interest rates were and they added up to almighty 24 per cent per year. No wonder he didn't want to sell for cash. He probably could get his financing for around 6 or 7 per cent, then turn around and get about four times that for the same money. That is what 1 call a raw deal. We had better all look out for our own financing lest we get taken into such a deal.

A feed salesman drove in the yard and insisted on selling some feed. He had a grand plan for the farmer. Pay when the hogs are sold.

I asked him what the interest figured out to. His answer was," Oh, just about the same as the bank charges." I took a pencil and figured it out. It came to 11 per cent. The catch was it was on about a 6 months term. The interest didn't sound like much but it counts up when you really, go to adding.

Then there is the service charge. I have been told that a lending institution can add a service charge and they don't have to men-...

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Who Built The Pyramids?

HELLO FOLKS — Pronounced by the ancient Greeks as one of the seven wonders of the world, and about the only one of the seven wonders remaining in existence today, are the pyramids of Egypt. Who built them is a question that has been asked many times but never answered. It is of course assumed that they were under the supervision of the Egyptian rulers but the pryamids themselves were probably constructed by slave labor.

For many years it was assumed that the great knowledge needed about astronomy was the product of Egyptian culture, However today the majority of students of the pyramids seem to think that the Egyptians received their knowledge from some outside source, as they do not seem to have had the basic culture to have developed it themselves.

Encylopedias state that the pyramids were the product of the fourth dynasties of Egypt and that they were built about 2500-2600 B. C. In this they must be wrong, for that would place their history be-fore the flood. The flood occurred approximately 2400 B.C., according to biblical cronology; which must be pretty accurate as an exact record was kept of mankind since the creation.

Egyptian history is strictly post-diluvian. Were it pre-diluvian there would be no Egyptians today. As it is they are very much alive.

Being post-diluvian they are the product of one of the families that escaped the flood (probably Ham). It takes centuries to establish a nation from one family no matter how prolific they are. Therefore the pyramids could hardly have been built before 2000 B. C.

That takes us down to the days of Abraham, who was born about 300 years after Noah's flood, and most likely before the pyramids were built.

We know from scriptures that Abraham was taught great truths about the stars by heavenly messengers. Abraham being highly respected by the Egyptians and also having been told that his descendants would be held captive by the Egyptians 400 years, could possibly have given them the needed knowledge needed to erect the pyramids. Then with the descendants of Abraham bing slaves in Egypt for (as it turned out to be) 350 years, is it not highly probable that they could have been the ones who furnished the man-power for the pyramids?

We don't know, of course. But it is interesting to speculate and what could be more appropriate than for the children of Israel to have had a hand in the building and their great-grandfather having supplied the knowledge. I believe that some day we will know. Then we won't need to wonder.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Race Issue Attracts Many

HELLO FOLKS — Children have active fertile minds. Something must be grown in them. If we fail to fill them with good things they will fill with evil and filth.


WHENEVER A cause tends to become popular it attracts 'fair-weather' friends of every color and hue.

Such is the case with the present racial integration program. Well meaning people who just never had the nerve to speak out and act before suddenly become exceedingly active and move to the forefront.

Radicals and emotionalists as usual find their place in the movements. Some who never gave a thought to integration before suddenly have all kinds of ideas. Among these people are those who don't seem to have their purposes too well oriented.

There are those who in the past have made every endeavor to take away freedom from their fellow citizens and who now speak the loudest for integration.

Probably most of us will agree that racial integration is a good thing. Although if we lived in certain areas of the United States we might not be enthusiastic about it.

However, if racial integration is important, then religious integration is vital. If we do much studying of history we will generally conclude that the blending and competition in religion has done tremendous good for the nations who practiced it. There seem to be some, who, while they favor racial integration are heading the other way in religion.


THERE ARE those who have headed the integration movement, whose hands are not too clean, either. For instance in Chicago this week as in the past few weeks there were sit-in demonstrations. Streets, hallways, and entrances to public buildings were blocked. Why?

To force integration at all costs. They want students transported by bus to areas that have little racial mixture.

It would seem that they have little interest in the welfare of the children. The children are mostly a pawn to accomplish another aim, probably not stated. If they get their way, white students will be taken out of their neighborhood schools and bussed across town to other schools.

Also Negro students will be bussed to other areas where there are no Negroes. Tactics such as that make the word integration seem quite hollow..