
Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Glance At Our Living Standard

BY:  Edwin B. Petersen

Hello, Folks!  Each one our children is a lot different.  Jared seems to be as normal in all respects as a boy can be.  Ann is what one might call a “clothes horse”.  She loves clothes; from anything as scanty as a “Bikini” to long flowing skirts that she has to hold in her hand, with cowboy and tramp clothes thrown in to boot.  Last summer she found an old red, wide-brimmed hat and for the next few weeks it was a regular fixture on her head.  She likes them nice and clean unless cleanliness interferes with her having a good time, then anything goes.  She has a very torrid kiss that she likes to floor her Daddy with.  Her favorite hobbies are dancing and taking care of the baby.

Randy is a “hot house plant” who loves to play by himself.  If it even looks cold outside he stays in.  He is a handsome little fellow with sparkling brown eyes and happy smile.

Dana is strictly an outdoor boy, with a determination the likes of which I have never seen.  When he wants something nothing else matters.  He is able to take a lot of weather and pain, although not yet two.  He will stay outside in zero weather for hours and it does seem to bother him.  He loves livestock.  A neighbor boy rode into the yard last summer and Dana insisted he had to have a ride.  It wasn’t until the horse gave itself a terrific shake that he was ready to get off.

All in all I am very glad they are each different; it makes the occupation of rearing a family more interesting.
People who say they sleep like a baby usually haven’t got one.

As two little boys were leaving the theatre, one was heard to remark to the other:  “I shut my eyes during the kissing scene and made believe he was choking her.”

The women’s Committee of the Minnesota Farm Bureau is sponsoring a cake baking contest this year – a plain butter cake.  Here are the rules:
  1. Contest is open to all rural women.
  2. Cake must be a plain butter cake using whole egg, butter and whole milk.
  3. Size – it shall be a loaf cake, usually 8X12X2.
  4. No icing will be allowed prior to judging.
  5. Contestants may use any type flour.
  6. Recipe must accompany cake.
  7. Winners of Unit contests to compete in the county butter cake contest.
  8. County Winner will represent their county at the District Contest – cake to be baked at the site of the contest.
  9. District winners will bake cake in the State contest to be held at the Minnesota Sate Fair.
  10. Highly desirable awards will be provided at each contest
The old negro lady was giving her recipe for a long life.  “When I walks, I walks slow; when I sits, I sits loose; and when I worries, I sleeps.”
The American consumer today gets more food per dollar spent than ever in history.  This is also true of other commodities.  This is due directly or indirectly to America’s free capitalistic system.  The following will give you an idea of how fortunate we are under the free-enterprise system:
                     U.S.   Russia   Great Britain   France
World Pop........... 7 ....... 9 ......... 2 ......... 2
World Prod.......... 32 ...... 18 ½ ...... 9.5 ....... 4 ½
Land................ 6 ....... 14 ........ 2 ......... 3
Electricity......... 46 ...... 5 ......... 6 ......... 2
People per car...... 4 ....... 252 ....... 22 ........ 18

You will notice that Great Britain has nearly as much production per person as the U.S. which is more than twice as much as either France or Russia.  The interesting thing is that a tremendous amount of the U.S. production goes into our standard of living while a big portion of Great Britain’s goes in bare necessities and Russia’s seems to dissipate without benefiting anyone.  Notice the staggering difference in electricity and autos.  Are you thankful you live in America?

Every rural Minnesota boy and girl between the ages of 10 and 21 is eligible to become a 4-H club member.

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