
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Corn Crop The Best Yet

HELLO FOLKS — The geography teacher asked Bobby a question about the English Channel.

"I don't know," answered Bobby. "We can't get that station on our TV."


WHAT A terrific corn yield this year. I knew I had the best yield I ever had but I wasn't quite prepared for such a harvest. I had set my expected yield at 5 bushels per acre. I upped that a couple times and I am not even going to state that actual yield until I get a load of it weighed to be sure my wagon holds as much as it measures up to.

The stalks are short, probably due to the early drought, but that probably became an asset as the ears made up for the growth when we started getting the rains. This is one year that heavy fertilizing paid off very well.


I AM STILL keeping tab of the precipitation and for those of you who are interested we had three inches of rain in October coming in two showers.

According to my figures we have had a total of 24 inches of precipitation this year. It was all in the form of rain, except for a bit of October in snow.


MY WIFE HAS made a lifelong hobby of collection meaty bits of poetry and prose. Here is another one of hers.


When the Lord gave out brains—I thought He said trains and I missed mine.

When He handed out looks— I thought he said books and I didn't get any.

When He handed out noses— I thought he said roses and I ordered a big red one.

When He handed out ears I thought He said beers and I ordered two long ones.

When He handed out legs I thought He said kegs and I ordered two fat ones.

When he handed out heads, I thought He said beds and I ordered a soft one.

Boy! am I a mess!

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