HELLO FOLKS — A man in Ohio rammed his auto into a tree, rather than hit a skunk. Pretty strong reason for his action, I'd say.
The cost of living is even higher when you are constantly living it up.
PRESIDENT KENNEDY in his message to Congress proposed the establishment of a Youth Conservation Corps.
I am wholeheartedly in favor of such a plan if it is set up and run properly. We could create a lot of jobs in the community that would go a long way toward beautifying our country. The past few summers there have been many youths who could not find but little work to help them save up for future education. With the Federal Government contributing an equal share of the cost of such a program with the State and County we could put them to work and benefit them and ourselves.
I am against doling out money to people without them working or earning it. It is destructive to their character.
Think smiles, and smiles will be;
Think doubt, and hope will flee;
Think love, and love will grow;
Think hate, and hate you'll know;
Think good, and good is here;
Think vice, its jaws appear;
Think joy, and joy ne'er ends;
Think gloom, and dusk descends;
Think faith, and strength's at hand;
Think ill—it stalks the land;
Think peace, sublime and sweet;
And you that peace will meet;
Think fear with a brooding mind,
And failure's close behind;
Think this; "I'm going to win."
Think not on what has been,
Think "Victory." Think "I can."
For so God builds man.
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